
Summer Learning

As a class, we wrote down everything that keeps us safe at school 
This term in music, Kestrels have an amazing opportunity to go to Axe Valley to learn to play the cello. Here are some photos of their first session. 
In PE, we have been learning the skills involved with tennis. We have also learnt the rules of tennis. Here are some pictures of us playing matches with one member of the group umpiring. 
We finished our tennis topic by doing inter House tennis competitions.
The year 4's had an amazing time at their wildside residential! We:
  • Played games in the wild flower meadow and in the woodlands
  • had a woodland picnic
  • played on the zip wire
  • went on a river walk
  • walked to Dunkeswell Abbey
  • Did some orienteering in the woods
  • Had smores by the campfire
  • Went on a night time walk with glowsticks and sung in the darkness
  • Fed and helped with the animals 
  • Had silent time in the woods were we could draw and enjoy the surroundings
And much much more!
Here are some photos of our trip
We saw a barn owl flying over the camp. 
Kestrels went to watch Somerset Vs Warwickshire at the Somerset cricket ground. Although it rained in the morning, the children were positive and waited patiently to watch the cricket.