St Mary's is a musical school. Our specialist music teacher works across the school to deliver tuition based on Kodaly and Dalcroze philosophy, which has formed the basis for the new Model Music Curriculum. Our musicians are taught to use their singing voices expressively and creatively through class music, assemblies, services and masses. All pupils are taught to play a variety of instruments, including untuned and tuned classroom percussion, djembe, ukulele and recorder, and develop the building blocks of musicianship, which provide a firm foundation for instrumental tuition.
St Mary's has a strong tradition of extra curricula music, providing both one to one and group tuition with our team of peripatetic teachers, on a variety of orchestral instruments and piano. We have opportunities for ensemble playing within the successful school orchestra, and also the choir.
We listen to a wide range of music from around the world that spans different cultures and are given an understanding of the history of music up to the modern day.