
Spring Learning

Week One
In our RE this week we learnt that the Wise Men visited Jesus.  We listened to the story and role-played it, dressing up in costumes and freeze framing parts of the story. We also talked about constellations in the sky and how the Wise Men would have used them to help them find their way to Jesus.  The children looked at some constellations and they made their own.  Some of the children made telescopes in explore and learn as well.
Week Two
In our maths this week, we have been learning what the numbers 9 and 10 look like on the ten frame.  We put two 5 frames together to make a ten frame and could see that 5 and 5 is the same as ten. We can see that 9 is one less than ten.  One of our counting activities was to make a 9 and 10 picture by counting out 9 or 10 objects and we made a picture out of them.  Please continue to practise counting objects at home with your child. 
Week Three

Understanding the World

After reading, ‘Who swallowed Stanley’ we talked about what happened to Stanley where it happened and why.  We thought about ways that we could stop this from happening and talked about other animals – birds, small mammals eating litter.   Then we talked about recycling and reusing our junk, plastic bags/tissue paper. We made kites from junk modelling materials. In our lesson, we used the words, beach, ocean, sea & cliff.