
Pupil Wellbeing

At St Mary's the wellbeing of the children in our care is a priority of our work.  We know that happy, safe and calm children are better placed to engage in their learning and make good, sustained progress.  We support and promote pupils' wellbeing in the following ways:
  • Living our lives through the Gospel Values - Dignity of the individual and Compassion
  • PSHE Curriculum - JIGSAW
  • RSE Curriculum - Life to the Full
  • Good Behaviour and Relationship Policy
  • Strong links with parents
  • Small group interventions
  • 1:1 support
  • Clear routines and structure
  • Support parents informally or through signposted training
  • Enriched curriculum opportunities so all children can excel in their talents
  • MyHappyMinds School Programme
  • Pastoral Support Worker
  • PE support worker
We are a trauma informed school which means all children have an emotionally available adult to support them in school.  We have a commitment to relating to children in school that helps them feel calm, soothed and safe.  We interact with our pupils in such a way that they feel valued as individuals.
Pastoral Support Worker
At St Mary's, Mrs Ruth Dunesby, is our a dedicated pastoral support worker who leads on the wellbeing support of our children both through her day-to-day interactions and formalised interventions for pupils.  Alongside this, we seek to help parents to support their children's wellbeing.  This can be through 1:1 drop-in meetings in school or phone calls by arrangement.  Please contact the office to arrange an appointment.
There are many local support groups within our community who support the wellbeing of children and their families.  Links to these can be found on this page.
Devon Family Hub's monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers!
Please click the link below 
Devon Family Hub's monthly Newsletter for parents and carers!
Please click the link below:

Where to seek help and support over the Christmas break and beyond....



Open 24/7 for under-19s, call 0800 1111 or chat online.



Their four helplines are open during the daytime Mon-Fri (except 25-26 Dec and 1 Jan).



Open 24/7 for all ages, call 116 123



Text SHOUT to 85258 for support over text message, open 24/7 for all ages.