
Sustainability at St Mary's

‘Each of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation.’ Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ 14
At St Mary's we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and play our part in caring for our common home.
Working alongside Let's Go Zero, we have completed a baseline of our carbon footprint so that we can create an action plan.
Our Sustainability work will consider three specific drivers:
1. Changes to the school site
2. Behavioural changes
3. Community links
For further information please click on the Action Plan below.
Our sustainability lead is Miss Beth Wood. 
Our eco-warriors for each class are:
Robins: Chloe and Rowan
Woodpeckers: Eva and Macy
Owls: Chloe and Anya
Kestrels: Elliot and Emma
Eagles: Zac and Arty
Office area: Charlie 
‘Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.’ 1 John 3:18